Trance Studios

Elevating Events with MSK:

Trance Studios collaborated with the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK) to orchestrate impactful events that captivated audiences and drove substantial revenue. Our comprehensive approach encompassed event planning, attendee bookings, photography and videography coverage, and extensive marketing efforts across various platforms.

Technologies Utilized:

  • Event Management Tools for Seamless Planning
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Bespoke Photography and Videography Services

Marketing Society of Kenya


The Challenge:
MSK aimed to host successful events that not only attracted a wide audience but also generated substantial revenue through ticket sales and new subscriptions to their event packages. They sought a partner who could manage every aspect of event planning, promotion, and coverage effectively.

The Solution:
Trance Studios took charge of event planning, ensuring smooth logistics, attendee bookings, and exceptional on-site experiences. Our team also provided professional photography and videography services to capture memorable moments and create engaging content for promotional purposes. Leveraging our expertise in digital marketing, we executed targeted campaigns across social media and other platforms to maximize event reach and drive ticket sales. Additionally, we promoted MSK’s event packages, leading to a significant increase in new subscriptions for tier one events.

The Results:

  • Achieved a remarkable reach of over 3 million across all marketing channels, showcasing the extensive impact of our promotional efforts.
  • Generated substantial revenue of Ksh20 million through ticket sales, demonstrating the success of our marketing strategies in driving event participation and revenue growth.
  • Secured over 30 new subscriptions to MSK packages for tier one events, highlighting the effectiveness of our targeted marketing campaigns in attracting and retaining attendees.