Trance Studios


The Beat of Unity aimed to promote peace and stability during Kenya’s elections, targeting diverse audiences across the country.


European Centre For Electoral Support

Technologies & Innovations
  • AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis
  • Multimedia Storytelling
  • Hyper-personalized Messaging
  • Digital Campaigns
Kenya's Democratic Journey

A docu-film on Kenya's road to Peaceful Elections

Watch Trailer
Only Love

A peace education campaign

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EU Ambassador to Kenya - Henriette Geiger

Interview on Kenya's Democratic Journey

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The Goal
Our mission was to weave a narrative of unity and peace through multimedia storytelling, using music, videos, and narratives to connect with and unify African audiences during election periods.

Connecting with a broad audience in regions with a history of election-related unrest required a compelling, universal message of peace.

We mobilized top musicians to create “Only Love,” a song that became the anthem for peace across Kenya, reaching millions and encouraging a peaceful election period.


27 million+ Kenyans reached
30 million+ Impressions
2,500 cases Hate speech cases mitigated
Fostered increased dialogue and unity
Kenya experienced it’s most peaceful elections ever